Before starting your registration process, please make sure that you have prepared all the necessary documents mentioned on the previous page according to your nationality. You can register you a maximum of 30 days before you move to Lausanne. However, our service will register you on the date of your arrival in Lausanne.
We inform you that after filling in the online registration form you will be automatically redirected to another page in order to pay the arrival tax and the declaration of residence if requested in the online form.
We thank you for your cooperation and wish you an excellent stay in Lausanne.
Service du contrôle des habitants
Rue du Port-Franc 18
Case postale 5354
1001 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 315 31 33
Lundi-vendredi: 08h00-11h30, 13h00-16h30
Fermé le jeudi matin
tl 18: Port-Franc; tl: Chauderon
m1: Vigie; m2 Lausanne-Flon
LEB: Chauderon