Who is concerned?
People having received an penal fee or a summons from the City of Lausanne.
How to make the payment?
Several payments methods are at your disposal to pay the amount due:
- Payment at the municipality cashier desk
- Through paying-in slip only on Swiss territory.
- Via e-banking imperatively specifying the case number and the beneficiary (Ville de Lausanne, Caisse communale, CP 5032 – 1002 Lausanne)
Nordring 8
CH - 3030 Bern
IBAN: CH64 0900 0000 1000 0395 7
- A new payment method is available via Postcard, Visa or MasterCard
To the online payment service
Useful tip
We highly advise against payment by check, as it includes important charges which remain under your responsibility.
- Form
Dernière mise à jour:
Commission des contraventions
Secrétariat municipal
Escaliers du Marché 2
1er étage
Case postale 6904
1001 Lausanne
Les bureaux ne sont pas accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous contacter par mail ou téléphone en cas de besoin.