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Bernard Garo and Pierre-André Gétaz – M2O

This work, stretched under the bridge and between its piers can be seen from afar. Imposing yet ethereal, the ring, 25 metres across, masks a weight of four tonnes. Its vibrant surface is composed of tiny squares in different shades of blue; by reflecting the light, they evoke the shimmering surface of water and conjure that of the River Flon that flows invisibly underground below the same bridge.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


André Lasserre
Sculpture à grimper, 1965, Sculpture


Bernard Garo et Pierre-André Gétaz
M2O, 2007, Installation


Femrenarde à la valise, 2014, Sculpture

Plan de travail 1 copie 4

Station M2 – Pont Bessières

Pont Bessières
1003 Lausanne