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Yves Zbinden and Anne-Hélène Darbellay - Les naissances de la pleine lune

Under the feet of passers-by, a series of gold squares shimmer among the paving stones of the place Saint-François. Each bears the first name of a child born in Lausanne in 1998 on a night of the full moon. Arranged like a constellation, these brass paving stones lead to the fountain in the shape of a half-moon from which pours forth life-giving water. A work that celebrates birth and life.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Ignazio Bettua
Uccellini, 2018, Installation


Yves Zbinden et Anne-Hélène Darbellay
Les naissances de la pleine lune, 1999, Installation


François Pétermann
Sans titre, 1980, Mosaïque

Plan de travail 1 copie 4

Place Saint-François
côté nord de l'église

1003 Lausanne