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André Lasserre – Sculpture à grimper

Somewhere between art and industrial design, this concrete sculpture entices children to climb it with its spiral shape and peep-holes. The installation of this unapologetically modern sculpture provoked great debate within the city council in 1964, with certain councillors preferring that this “so-called art” not be placed too close to the cathedral lest it “mar” the place of worship.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Samuel Mathiss
Fractopierre, 2015, Sculpture


André Lasserre
Sculpture à grimper, 1965, Sculpture


Bernard Garo et Pierre-André Gétaz
M2O, 2007, Installation

Plan de travail 1 copie 4

Jardin de la Cité Vieux-Bourg
(Promenade en terrasse située entre la rue Curtat et le Pont Bessières)

Rue Louis-Auguste Curtat
1005 Lausanne