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Ignazio Bettua – Uccellini

More than 150 ‘Uccellini’ (little birds) frolic on the eaves of the church, sometimes accompanied by their real-life feathered friends. This colourful flock is a poetic homage to St Francis of Assisi, to whom this church is dedicated. This is a temporary installation. In October 2019 it will take flight, migrate to new skies, and colonise other Franciscan monuments across Europe.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Homcheval, 2013, Sculpture


Ignazio Bettua
Uccellini, 2018, Installation


Yves Zbinden et Anne-Hélène Darbellay
Les naissances de la pleine lune, 1999, Installation

Plan de travail 1 copie 4

Église Saint-François

Place Saint-François 18
1003 Lausanne