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Bernard Schorderet – La terre et la forêt

One can easily find a path through the upright granite blocks that make up this monumental fountain. Produced for the 1964 National Exposition, the work evokes the topography of an imaginary city traversed by a river. A place for quiet contemplation, it also serves as a wonderful playground, which often echoes to the laughter of children delighted to have ths astonishing construction to themselves.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Werner Witschi
Serment du Grütli, 1964, Sculpture


Bernard Schorderet
La terre et la forêt, 1964, Sculpture


Fabien et Etienne Krähenbühl
Horizons Lousonna, 2019, Installation

Plan de travail 1 copie 2

Vidy, place du Granit
devant le siège du CIO

1007 Lausanne