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André Ramseyer – Astéroïde

This work seeks to blend in with its surroundings, interacting with its space and substance. Its height, which does not exceed the nearby boxtrees, allows an unrestricted view of Lake Geneva and the Alps. Similarly, with its juxtaposition of solid and empty spaces, it allows air and light to pass through it. André Ramseyer sculpted the empty spaces with a purpose: to allow emotion to escape.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Sabina Lang et Daniel Baumann
Beautiful Steps # 9, 2012, Sculpture


André Ramseyer
Astéroïdes, 1957, Sculpture


Côté cour, 2015, Sculpture

Plan de travail 1 copie 3

Parc de la Vaudoise

Avenue de Cour 41
1007 Lausanne