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Gaspard Delachaux – Oiseau perplexe

In the middle of the lawn in this small park, a curled-up animal seems to enjoy teasing us. Could it be a pig, with its snout and pointed ears? In fact, it's a bird! With its heart-shaped beak and gentle curves, it tames the hardness of the stone and offers a wonderfully ambiguous interpretation of animal sculpture!

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Côté cour, 2015, Sculpture


Gaspard Delachaux
Oiseau perplexe, 1975, Sculpture


Simon Depierraz
Exercice de grativé, 2017, Installation

Plan de travail 1 copie 3

Parc de l'Église-Anglaise

Avenue de l'Église-Anglaise
1006 Lausanne