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Antoni Tàpies – Mural olìmpico

The internationally renowned painter and engraver Tàpies is considered to be the main representative of ‘Informal’ Spanish art. Commissioned originally for the IOC Pavilion at the Universal Exposition of Seville, this work was later installed in the museum park. The abstract figures, characteristic of the artist's anti-aesthetic style, represent the energy of sports.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Jim Hart
Totem olympique, 2009, Sculpture


Antoni Tàpies
Mural olìmpico, 1992, Peinture


Edouard-Marcel Sandoz
Fontaine aux singes, 1934, Sculpture

Plan de travail 1 copie 3

Parc du Musée Olympique

Quai d' Ouchy 1
1007 Lausanne