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Gaspard Delachaux – Mutant héraldique

Despite its monumental dimensions and official location, this sculpture is immediately captivating. A broad smile, a mischievous look and a gentle nonchalance imbue this monster with unexpected charm, creating the impression that it might be a little shy and about to run away from its pedestal. The creature would not be out of place in a tale of science fiction and adds a note of gaity to the entrance of the army barracks.

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Maurice Ruche
Haut-relief, 1982, Sculpture


Gaspard Delachaux
Mutant héraldique, 1987, Sculpture


Edouard-Marcel Sandoz
Taureau de Saint-Luc, 1948, Sculpture

Plan de travail 1 copie

Casernes de la Pontaise

Route des Plaines-du-Loup
1018 Lausanne